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Waffle Game Review
Waffle Game Background
Waffle is a breakfast treat-themed word-finding game. Connect adjacent letters in the grid and spell as many words as you can before the 2-minute timer expires. The game was developed by CodeThis Lab and draws some inspiration from the popular table game Boggle.
How to Play Waffle
To select, left click with your mouse or tap on the screen with your fingers.
On the welcome screen, select the play button on the bottom center to open the language selection screen. From the language selection screen, pick a language to play the game in. The game is available in 6 languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese). Once you’ve chosen a language, select Play to begin.
To find a word, select a letter, then connect it to a group of adjacent letters to spell a word. The words you spell are shown on a list on the right side of the screen.
You have 2 minutes to form as many words as you can. The timer bar appears at the center of the screen next to the left edge of the grid.
Basic Gameplay Advice
You can connect the letters left to right, right to left, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in either direction. The line connecting the word cannot cross a letter that it already passed through. Connect all the letters needed to spell the word. The game recognizes words based on the first letter you select; make sure you connect the letters in the correct order.
The minimum number of letters to form a word is 3. Words cannot be plurals or proper nouns.
Each letter has a point value, which is shown on the bottom left corner of its box. The points you get from each word depends on the point value of each individual letter.
Advanced Playing Tips & Strategy
Look for words within words. Some words can be broken down into smaller words, which can give you a quick boost in points.
Take advantage of the game’s flexibility. Think outside the box and visualize patterns that can form words. You can form many words based on unconventional patterns such as N shapes, Z shapes, and even crisscrossing shapes. Remember: the only rules are that the line is continuous, crosses letters only once, and spells the word correctly.
Educational Aspects
The game challenges a player’s knowledge of grammar and their ability to spot hidden objects (or, in this case, words) quickly.
Player Age Recommendations
We recommend this game for word search game lovers of all ages.