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Cooking Fever Game Review

Cooking Fever Game Background

Cooking Fever is a simple restaurant simulator game. Your job is to meet customer orders quickly and accurately. Clear each level by meeting the goals set in the game.

How to Play Cooking Fever

On the bottom left corner of the welcome screen, select the play button to begin. From there, choose a level to play on the level selection screen. To select, left click with your mouse, or tap on the screen with your fingers.

Drinks are the easiest orders to fulfill. The game automatically dispenses a drink at the start of the round and does so for the rest of the game. Select the drink to deliver it to a customer.

To cook burgers, first select a patty from the patty shelf on the bottom center and a bun from the bun shelf on the bottom right. Cook the patty until it’s done, then select it to move it to the bun as quickly as possible to avoid burning it. You can top the patty with cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce. The toppings can only be added in order. Make sure to only add the toppings the customer asks for before serving them.

To cook fries, select the fry shelf on the bottom left. Once the fries are cooked, the game automatically removes them from the fryer. Select the fries to serve them.

Basic Gameplay Advice

You can also opt to use any of these five available power-ups at the start of each level:\

  • Double coins
  • More playing time
  • A skillet that doesn’t burn your food
  • Extra customer patience
  • Extra customers

The game has 50 levels, which are unlocked sequentially. To beat a level, you must finish off the target goal, which varies depending on the level. The three basic goals are as follows:

  • Serve the target number of dishes (drinks, burgers, and fries) within the limited number of customers provided.
  • Serve the target number of customers within the time limit.
  • Earn the target number of points within the time limit.
  • Earn the praise of as many customers as possible within the time limit.

The goals change each time you replay a level. You can fail a level if you dissatisfy a customer or waste food by burning it. The specific failure condition also varies between levels.

Once you finish a level, you earn a sum of coins. The amount of coins you receive depend on how well you performed. Use coins to purchase upgrades for your kitchen.

Each food item is worth a number of points. In point games, you must serve as many customers as you can to earn enough points to win. You can raise the point value of each dish by purchasing an upgrade.

Each level has a star rating that is based on your performance. Replaying the level allows you to improve your star rating.

Advanced Playing Tips & Strategy

Immediately start upgrading your kitchen in the early levels. The first upgrades you buy should be slots for burgers, fries, and drinks. By having extra slots, you have a food item ready to serve as needed by the customers. Move onto the preparation areas next as they’ll increase your cooking capacity, allowing you to fulfill more orders in a short amount of time. Replay levels to earn money faster.

To meet burger orders consistently, first fill all your slots with buns. Cook only the amount of patties needed to fill those buns as quickly as you can. Once they’re done, do not add anything to the burgers until the customer arrives to order it. The moment a burger is sold, replace it with a new bun and start grilling a new patty.

Educational Aspects

This game is a simplified simulation of what goes on in a typical fast food restaurant. It introduces players to some of the fundamental jobs in the food industry such as cooking food and delivering orders exactly as the customer wants them. It also highlights the importance of attentiveness, especially in cooking. Players must pay attention to the food even as they switch from one task to another.

Player Age Recommendations

We recommend is suitable for older school-aged children, teens, and adults. We especially recommend it for people who like cooking sims.


Watermelon Game Screenshots

Cooking Fever Game Welcome Screen Screenshot. Cooking Fever Game Screenshot. Cooking Fever Game Level Clear Screen Screenshot. Cooking Fever Game Map Level Select Screen Screenshot.

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