




Free Online Kids Logic Puzzle Games

Logic Puzzle Video Games

Logic Puzzle Games.

We offer a collection of thousands of free online games to help familiarize children with food, farming, cooking, the culinary arts, the restaurant business, and hospitality-related careers. As our games section became more popular we realized it made sense to expand to offer other gaming categories which promoted developing strong mental health and mastering problem solving skills.

Playing brain games can help you master life problems outside of the gaming world. In our logic puzzle collection you can paint paths, connect dots, charge electronics, solve traffic, deliver pizza, herd chickens, fight jelly monsters, or feed a dragon. Choose your own adventure! :)

How To Feed A Dragon

How To Feed A Dragon Game.

How To Feed A Dragon is an 18-stage logic puzzle platformer. Move around the field by pressing the WASD or arrow keys. Feed an apple to each dragon to beat the stage. While holding an apple you can't jump. Press Q or the spacebar to take control of a dragon or exit a dragon's head. Some dragons have 2 heads. You can warp back and forth between double dragon heads by pressing E or P after taking control of one of the dragon heads. Dragons can move around the light tan background area, though when a dragon has been fed an apple it will no longer move. Feed all the dragons on each stage to move onto the next level.


Eclipse Game.

Eclipse is a 20-stage turn-based fighting strategy game where players take on a host of jelly monsters. Use the arrow keys to move & move toward a monster to attack it. Each jelly monster has a set number of hit points indicated above it and moves in a regular path pattern according to its type. Defeat all the jelly monsters on each stage while avoiding running into them or hitting spikes. Restore health by collecting a glowing trophy. If you are not correctly aligned with the jelly monsters you can try to move into tiles with a rock on them to spend a turn and get enemies to move into the position you want.

Chook Lockdown Puzzle

Chook Lockdown Puzzle Game.

Chook Lockdown Puzzle is a 19-stage herding simulation game. Using a limited number of barks get all the chickens safely in their cages before dusk. Move the dog around using the arrow keys and bark with the spacebar. When you bark the chickens which are on the same row or column as the dog (in any of the 4 directions) will slide until they bump into something or get inside a cage. When chickens are in their cage they do not come out for the remainder of the level.

Find The Way Home

Find The Way Home Game.

Find The Way Home is a cute 30-level maze game where players control a blue jelly that encounters orange jelly monsters, firing cannons, and lookout-activated bombs. Use the arrow keys to move around the level. Avoid running into any of the enemies, their fire, or detonating a bomb by walking through a spotlight. Collect up to 3 stars on each stage, then pass through the glowing purple portal to advance to the next level.

Fruitti Boom

Fruitti Boom Game.

Fruitti Boom is a 30-stage logic puzzle where your goal is to blow up all the fruits or push them off the grid. A fruit can only be blown up if it is positioned adjacent to an identical fruit. When a fruit blows up the adjacent fruitsof the same or different types are pushed a square away from it. Each level is complete when all fruits have been destroyed or pushed off the grid. Watermelons with a lock on them turn into ordinary watermelons after they have been blown up.


Frupush Game.

Frupush is a track-based logic puzzle game where the goal is to get each fruit to the holding spot at the end of the track. Move the oranges in the correct order and they will turn into lemons at the end. Avoid having the oranges hit each other or they will turn to apples and you will lose the level. On most tracks the oranges move until they reach the end or hit another orange, though some tracks have dots on them which act as rest points where you can leave the orange until you want to move it again.

Fruit Tiles

Fruit Tiles Game.

Fruit Tiles is a simple 12-stage logic puzzle game where players must match up the fruits on the edges of puzzle pieces. In the last 3 levels when some pieces rotate it also causes other pieces to rotate. This game is simple, but is perhaps best for students in fifth grade and up.

Spice Quest

Spice Quest Game.

Spice Quest is a chain reaction logic puzzle video game where players place spice barrels to blow up spicy clay pots and wooden crates to make their way from the level entrance to the level exit in a limited number of moves. Can you find all 3 hidden gems in each level & time your moves to beat all 10 levels?


Cheesetown Game.

Cheesetown is a 15-stage logic puzzle path making game. Keep the rat out of the lights. Push batteries to turn off power to some circuits & to power other circuits. Use blocks or batteries to block the flow of light across the screen. Collect all the cheese to clear each level.


Mouse Game.

Mouse is a 45-stage path drawing game where you must move a mouse safely through a level to the end goal destination while avoiding both stationary and moving obstacles. As you advance through the game some levels require you to collect keys to unlock barriers.

Egg Hunters

Egg Hunters Game.

Egg Hunters is a 40-stage pushing path-making game. Tap on chickens to move them in the direction of the arrow on their crest. Use warps and have chickens push each other so that each chicken makes it to an egg.

Caveman Adventure

Caveman Adventure Game.

Caveman Adventure is a 21-stage platforming game featuring a caveman seeking his cave. Lay ham where you want the caveman to turn around and lay red peppers where you want him to jump. Collect up to 3 stars on each stage while protecting the caveman from hazards like spikes and falling off platform.

Dasshu Box

Dasshu Box Game.

Dasshu Box is a clever 30-stage logic puzzle game. Slide the bunny rabbit to the carrot to beat each level. As you advance through the game additional features are added to the stage, requiring you to use warps and avoid traps along your journey. In many cases you need to backtrack on your path to warp to the carrot while moving in the correct direction.

Fruity Flip

Fruity Flip Game.

Fruity Flip is a challenging 20-stage line making game where you have a limited number of moves to convert all tiles showing on a stage into the same type of fruit. Draw lines connecting any type of fruit and the fruits will flip. Starting on stage 6 some fruits are outlined in white. When you flip over a fruit outlined in white it also flips over the 8 adjacent fruits. Beat each level within the move count limit shown in the upper left or try again.

Fruit Move

Fruit Move Game.

Fruit Move is a 30-stage logic puzzle game where the goal is to destroy matching pairs. Move blueberries toward each other to make sets of 2 or more adjacent berries and then move one of them into the set to destroy it. Move the orange boxes into each other to destroy them. Items which move go in the direction of the arrow on them & move until they run into something, then turn right. You can only move items which have an arrow on them. If you get stuck you can undo moves or restart the stage.

Hungry Rabbit

Hungry Rabbit Game.

Hungry Rabbit is a 24-stage path builder game where your goal is to help the rabbit make it to the carrot. The rabbit moves straight until it runs into something & then turns right. Place blocks strategically in the field to control the rabbit's path, enabling it to avoid the skulls and reach the carrot.

Mango Dash

Mango Dash Game.

Mango Dash is a 30-stage path builder game where your goal is to get the mango to the oranges. The mango moves straight until it runs into something, then it turns right and repeats. Move the mango and the boxes in the correct order to allow the mango to reach all the oranges. Be careful not to crush the mango by moving a box across it.

My Banana

My Banana Game.

My Banana is a 40-stage path builder game. Move the monkey in any of the 4 cardinal directions toward a banana. Repeat the process until you have collected all the bananas. As you advance through the game you must plan your routes with more care as you lose a level if there is a remaining banana you can't get to using a straight vertical or horizontal path.

Watermelon Push

Watermelon Push Game.

Watermelon Push is a 50-stage grid-based logic puzzle game where players must throw watermelons from boxes in the correct order to fill up the grid. Each level contains exactly enough watermelons to fill the grid, so play order is exceptionally important. Tap a box to throw the number of watermelons shown on the button from the associated box in the direction the arrow points. If there is a filled in space the watermelon will skip to the next open space in that row or column. Fill in the grid completely to unlock the next stage.

Pasta Turn

Pasta Turn Game.

Pasta Turn is a 30-stage spatial logic puzzle game where you must use pasta noodles to knock into meatballs. Some noodles spin along a fulcrum, while others slide from side to side. The spaghetti noodles may not bump into each other. Clear all the meatballs from each stage to unlock the next.

Watermelon Warrior

Watermelon Warrior Game.

Watermelon Warrior is a 20-stage battle strategy game where you must fight the right enemies and grab health, attack, and shield upgrades in the correct order to fight your way to the level exit. Grab power ups and take on a host of evil mushrooms. Number blocks indicate how many enemies you must defeat to unlock the associated path. Arrow blocks only allow you to pass through them in one direction.

Bouncing Piggy

Bouncing Piggy Game.

Bouncing Piggy is a 20-stage logic puzzle game where you help a pig collect fruits by having it jump over gray blocks. The pig can jump any number of cells in any direction, but it must jump over blocks & it must land on the next opening after the block or blocks. Turn red blocks gray by jumping next to them. Turn yellow blocks gray by collecting keys. Cells which indicate valid moves are highlighted in white. Tap on the associated cells to move to them. Arrow blocks automatically move you in the direction they point one cell when you land on them. Clear each stage of fruits to move onto the next.

Pasta Loop

Pasta Loop Game.

Pasta Loop is a 30-stage logic puzzle game where players arrange pieces of pasta on the grid to create a single large piece of pasta with discrete starting points.

Toothpick Link

Teen Titans Go Rumble Bee Game.

Toothpick Link is a closed loop path making game where players lay toothpicks onto the grid. Numbers inside a square indicate how many of the surrounding sides have a toothpick laid on them. If a square has 0 that means no sides have toothpicks. If a square has no number it means any number of toothpicks may be on the edges. When each number is correctly satisfied it turns from red to black. Satisfy all the numbers with a closed loop to completre each of the 30 stages.

Traffic Escape

Traffic Escape Game.

Traffic Escape is a 45-stage logic puzzle game where players have to clear traffic by removing cars and trucks in the correct order. Vehicles move in the direction of the arrows shown on them, with cars using the closest available lane on each turn. Avoid running into other cars or pedestrians, and only cross lights when they are green. Play through all 45 stages and unlock bonus helper tools like the helicopter.

Pizza Guy

Pizza Guy Game.

Pizza Guy is a 25 stage path drawing game where your goal is to collect as many pieces of pizza as you can and then warp to the next stage by safely making it to the pizza box. Draw a path which passes through pizza slices or gets you closer to the exit, then tap on the DELIVER button to move. Avoid running into retractable spikes, moving boxes, the level walls, or water. Walk across red switches to turn the water into solid ground and walk across yellow switches to turn nearby moving boxes into stationary obstacles.

Charge Everything

Charge Everything Game.

Charge Everything is a 45-level logic puzzle game where players must plug in various electrical appliances in the right locations and correct order to power all of them. Some appliances open gates or blow wind to reveal other plug ins for additional appliances. Each cord has a limited length, with some plug ins being wider, forcing players to use a bit of strategy to complete some of the more challenging stages.

Brain Games

Brain Games Game.

Brain Games is a series of 6 minigames that help players focus their minds and measure their mental sharpness. Choose the game you want to play and see how many points you can score. Pattern Tap has players memorized blocks with different colors and tap them. Lowest Value has players tap numbers in ascending order, from lowest to highest. Shape Sort has players drag the central piece to the side that has the same symbol. Add Up has players tap on the keys below to reach the target shown at the top center. Same Shape is a true or false game where players determine if the current symbol is the same as the previous symbol. Blocks Fit has players select which of 3 Tetris-styled pieces can fit in a spatial puzzle to fill in the grid layout.

Happy Monsters

Happy Monsters Game.

Happy Monsters is a 27-stage logic puzzle game where the goal is to turn all the green monsters purple. When you play a purple monster to the playing field it turns the green monster it is laid on purple, and shoots out energy beams in the directions of the orange indicators around it to turn monsters in those directions purple. The energy beam can pass through gaps in the playing field, but can not pass through ice or rock. When energy beams hit ice the ice is melted, opening up the path. Rocks can not be destroyed. Turn all the monsters on each stage purple to beat the level and unlock the next.

Color Blocks

Color Blocks Game.

Color Blocks is a 36-stage tile painting game where players must use all the paint boxes on the tiles, and when they are done using all the paints the pattern matches the one shown at the top of the screen. The paint bucket tiles each turn black after they are used. If you paint over a previously painted tile the colors do not mix & the tile instead becomes the most recent color it was painted. Tiles with a black angle in them redirect paint at 45 degrees off the black mirror angle. Paint can skip over gaps in the playing field, though paint stops on any tile with spikes on it.

Color Link

Color Link Game.

Color Link is a 50-stage connect the dots game where players must draw a line connecting each dot of the same color. Lines players draw may not touch dots of other colors or lines drawn to connect other dots. Lines may run along level boundaries and other obstacles. Tap on a colored dot with your mouse left click button and drag your mouse around the screen to draw a line connecting to the other dot of the same color. Repeat the process until each color set is connected. If you make a mistake tap on the reset button on the right side of the screen to loead the level again.

Brain Dots

Brain Dots Game.

Brain Dots is a simple 32-stage connect the dots game where players must draw a single line connecting all of the light gray dots. You can turn an unlimited number of times, though must start at the correct dot locations to be able to connect every gray dot with only 1 line. You can not pass through gaps in the playing field, can not cross over any of your connecting lines, and can not touch any of the black dots.

Candy Pig

Candy Pig Game.

Candy Pig is a simple logic puzzle game where you play as a square pig collecting stars and making its way to a candy basket at the end of each level. Grab across or up to align with stars & then make your way to the candy basket after collecting all 3 stars from each level.

Red Rope

Red Rope Game.

Red Rope is a 30-stage logic puzzle game where players control a rope. Use your mouse left click button and drag your mouse around the screen to move the free end of the red rope. Drag the rope end in such a pattern that every green prong is touched by the rope & then make the rope touch the end red destination dot. The rope can bump into itself, though it may not cross over & intersect other rope runs.

Fill Line

Fill Line Game.

Fill Line is a 36-stage spatial logic puzzle game. Use your mouse left click button to select the block and move it around the playing field until alll squares on the puzzle have been painted. You can not cross over previously painted squares. If a square has an arrow on it you must enter that square from the bottom (or tail) of the arrow, and can then exit in any direction. Completely paint the level to unlock the next.

Path Painter

Path Painter Game.

Path Painter is a 40-stage pattern matching game. Players must drag paint swatches and arrow tiles onto the screen in the correct order and drop them in the correct positions to recreate the pattern shown in the upper right. Paint moves in the directions shown on the paint swatches until the paint either reaches the edge of the level or runs into an arrow block or warp. When a gray arrow tile is painted over the paint turns with it, then that tile that had an arrow becomes a normal tile. Paint which flows through a warp tile goes out the other warp tile while still traveling in the same direction it was traveling in when it entered the first warp tile. If a tile is painted multiple times it does not blend the colors, but simply becomes whatever color it was painted last.

Light Maze

Light Maze Game.

Light Maze is a 16-stage logic puzzle game where players must cross the lights in the correct order. Use the arrow keys to move around the playing field. When you step on a blue light it lights up. If you step on a light twice it turns back off. When you step on an orange light you keep moving in the direction you were headed when you first stepped on orange lights right up until you land on an empty cell, a different color light, or are adjacent to a wall in front of you. When all the blue and orange lights are illuminated the green light illuminates. Step on the illuminated green light to complete each stage.

Teen Titans Go Rumble Bee

Teen Titans Go Rumble Bee Game.

Teen Titans Go Rumble Bee is a maze game where you help Bumblebee navigate her way out of Cyborg's digestive system. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to control Bumblebee's movements to collect coins, make her way to the end of each level & avoid spikes and other dangerous objects. Bumblebee moves allong the walls of Cyborg's stomach and only stops when she runs into something. As you progress through the levels Cyborg's stomache acid rises. Use your in-game experience to buy power ups.

Paper Plane Jam

Paper Plane Jam Game.

Paper Plane Jam is a 30-stage paper plane flying logic puzzle game. Tap on a paper plane which has a clear flight path and matches the color of the container shown at the top center. If no planes of the correct color have a clear flight patht then tap on other planes to make way for them. Avoid running into any of the UFOs and do not overfill the reserve area that holds wrong-colored planes. As you advance through the game some later stages have some of the planes hidden in boxes until you clear adjacent planes, and others have plane distributors which place multiple planes in a row one at a time after you use the previous plane. Clear each stage before you run out of moves to advance to the next level.

Nuts and Bolts

Nuts and Bolts Game.

Nuts and Bolts is a 30-stage screw removal game. Tap on screws which match the color of the container at the top center to remove them and fill up the container. After each container is full you get to fill the next. In some cases you need to remove other screw colors in order to knock off a plate and make the screw you want to reach accessible. The game offers a temporary storage slot where you can place up to 5 screws of other colors. Clear all of the screws and remove all the plates to clear each stage and advance to the next. As you progress through the game you can unlock power ups which allow you to create extra storage space and make the game easier.

Catch Thief

Catch Thief Game.

Catch Thief is a 60-stage turn-based logic puzzle game. Move the police officers around the playing field using a strategy where you prevent the burglar from escaping. Tap on a policeman to select him and then tap on the location you wish to move him. On each turn the cops must make a move and so must the criminal. Valid moves are along the lines on the level and go from one node to an adjacent node. Each time you make a move with a cop the stealer moves. You beat the level when the thief can not make a move because he is surrounded on all sides. When criminals escape the level is failed and you must play it again.

Hacker Challenge

Hacker Challenge Game.

Hacker Challenge is an 8-stage electrical network game. Players tap on a junction to rotate it 90 degrees clockwise. Align the junctions to get the electricity to flow across the network. Electricity is indicated by a blue cable. Some stages have warning systems activated, which force you to quickly complete the network.

Safe Cracker

Safe Cracker Game.

Safe Cracker is a timed game of mastermind. Enter what you think the 3-digit code is for the safe. Green lights indicate a correct number in the correct location. Yellow lights indicate a correct number in the incorrect location. Red lights indicate an incorrect number. Press the green key after entering all 3 digits to submit your answer, or press the red key to erase a digit so you can enter another one. You have 10 attempts to solve each safe. The game has a 500 second shared timer, though you earn extra time each time you solve a safe. The game tracks your total safes opened and total money collected from them.

Mr. Hacker The Museum Hunt

Mr. Hacker The Museum Hunt Game.

Mr. Hacker The Museum Hunt is a 150-stage game of mastermind. In this game each time you enter a code it does not tell you which numbers were correct, only the quantity of numbers which were correct. Green indicates numbers in the correct position. Yellow indicates correct numbers but in an incorrect position. Red indicates incorrect numbers. Solve each of the 150 safes before the timer runs out. You have 10 chances to solve each combination. Initially only 3 digits are available, though as you progress through the game additional numerical keys are unlocked.

Pin Cracker

Pin Cracker Game.

Pin Cracker is a timed game of mastermind, where you have to guess the 4-digit pin code. In this game each of the 10 numbers can only appear in one spot. If a number is yellow that means it was in the code but in a different spot. If a number is green that means it is in the correct spot. Gray numbers are not in the puzzle. Your prior guesses are shown to the right and the timing meter is to the far right. As you solve puzzles correctly the timing meter moves faster, making the game harder the longer you play.

Thief Challenge

Thief Challenge Game.

Thief Challenge is a series of 4 mini puzzles where players connect wires, track ATM pin code entries, spin a combination lock to detect the numbers, and pick a lock with a pin. Repeatedly solve all the puzzle types before the timer runs out and see how many stages you can beat.

Defuse The Bomb

Defuse The Bomb Game.

Defuse The Bomb is a logic puzzle game where players have to quickly follow many commands like setting temperatures or tapping an odd number on a keypad. After solving a variety of puzzles players can then tap on the red button on the bomb to defuse it. Defuse as many bombs as you can before time runs out.

Cubic Lands

Cubic Lands Game.

Cubic Lands is a 184-stage path painting logic puzzle game. Jump on tiles to paint them your current color & jump on another paint color to change the color you are painting. Paint all of the white tiles a different color, with the colors quantity matching the quota shown at the top of the screen. Players can move by using the direction pad at the bottom of the screen or use the arrow keys on the keyboard. The up key moves up and right, the down key moves down and left, the left key moves up and left, the right key moves down and right. Tiles with an X on them fall away quickly after you stand on them. Sand colored tiles periodically have spikes come out of them. Gray tiles need jumped off of multiple times to move to the next tile. Arrow tiles paint all the tiles aligned with a row or column the color shown on the arrow tile.

Connect a Way

Connect a Way Game.

Connect a Way is a 24-stage connect the dots game where players must connect all of the white dots using a single line. Tap on a dot with your mouse left click button to change its color then drag your mouse over to the next dot. To complete each stage all of the dots must turn colorful. You can only draw a single line that does not cross itself, and can not pass through any black boxes. Each line segment must stop at a white dot. If you make a mistake you can backtrack and draw again, or press the level restart button in the bottom center.

Noel Navigates

Noel Navigates Game.

Noel Navigates is a 50-stage route planning game. Tap on the colorful house with Santa Claus in it and then draw a path which visits all of the remaining homes in numerical order. You can only pass through each house once and your path may not cross through trees. In addition to visiting houses in the correct order, you must also visit each square with a Santa icon on it. If you make a mistake you can retrace your path back to the start and draw a new route.

Hat TV

Hat TV Game.

Hat TV is a 15-stage whimsical platforming game where you adjust time. Move left by pressing either the left arrow key or the A key. Move right by pressing either the right arrow key or the D key. Jump by pressing the up arrow key. Press the J key to make time go slow. Press the L key to make time go fast. Press the K key to pause time. You have a limited amount of time dialation to use on each stage. When you adjust how time operates it only impacts things which have a hat on them. You can not run into enemies but you can jump atop the regular running enemies which have a hat. Dodge fireballs, avoid spikes, adjust time, and make it to the exit portal to the next stage.


Viewnemy Game.

Viewnemy is a 13-stage black and white platformer game. Players jump on spotlights to turn them off while also avoiding any shots fired by enemies. Turn off all the enemies in each section to move up to the next section above the dashed horizontal line, which then acts as your floor for the next portion of the level. Players can move left by pressing the A key or the left arrow key, and move right by pressing the D key or the right arrow key. Tap the spacebar to jump and tap twice to double jump. On some stages you need to activate red switches to clear away red blocks and open up access to other portions of the stage.

Code Monkey

Code Monkey Game.

Code Monkey is a simple drag and drop logic puzzle game where players drag direction movement commands, repeat loop commands, and jump commands into position. Collect all the coins and help the monkey reach the banana using a limited number of moves. When your logic loop is ready press the red run button. If you play the wrong tile you can drag it to the trash and rebuild again. You must collect all the coins before getting to the banana and complete the stage using the move limit or less to earn 3 stars on each stage.

Logical Cells

Logical Cells Game.

Logical Cells is a 72-stage puzzle game where players repeatedly swap the locations of two hexagons. The goal of the game is to move the pieces around until each of the colored lines on the pieces creates a closed loop.

Screw Spin

Screw Spin Game.

Screw Spin is a 55-stage deconstruction game. Tap the colored screws to remove them from the bracket. If it matches the color of the top container the screw will go into the container. As each container is filled the line of containers moves right and you get to fill the next container. The game provides a temporary holding row where you can store a number of screws temporarily until the associated container color arrives. When brackets have only one screw remaining in them they may rotate back and forth. You can only remove a screw which is not covered by another bracket. Each level is considered beat when all the brackets are removed and all the screws are sorted. As you progress through the game the brackets overlap more with additional layers, requiring more strategy to beat each level.

Nuts and Bolts Screw Puzzle

Nuts and Bolts Screw Puzzle Game.

Nuts and Bolts Screw Puzzle is a bolt removal game where players select bolts holding a bracket to a backer board and remove them, moving the bolts to another open hole. Repeat the process as many times as needed until all the brackets fall away from the backer board. As you advance through the game there are power ups which allow you to drill additional bolt holes to make it easier to complete the stages.

School Bus Pickup

School Bus Pickup Game.

School Bus Pickup is a 30-stage school bus route planning game. Use your mouse left click button to select each bus and drag your mouse to draw route paths. Pick up each child with a bus that matches the color of the kids indicator and then drop all the children off at destinations with the same colors. Route paths may interset each other, though you may not drive down the same road segment twice outside of intersections. Prevent the buses from crashing and get all the kids safely to their destinations. When you have drawn paths you can press the arrow keys to send the buses in motion. If you make a mistake redraw the path by going back one square at a time, or select the bus starting point to start the bus path from the beginning. There is a hints button in the lower right corner which you can use if you get stumped.

Rabbits and Carrots

Rabbits and Carrots Game.

Rabbits and Carrots is a 25-stage fluid flow logic puzzle game. You control all aspects of the game with your mouse left click button. Pick up blocks and turn valves to allow water to flow around the landscape and water the carrots. Place blocks in front of rabbits to prevent them from drowning. Rabbits can be temporarily submerged so long as they are not standing in water at the end of the level. You can only place blocks on dry land. Water flows through colorful pipes to other zones with the same pipe color. Valves can be used repeatedly to move water back and forth.

Citrus Roll

Citrus Roll Game.

Citrus Roll is a 35-stage logic and physics puzzle game. Use your mouse left click button to select pieces from the bottom of the puzzle and drag them into play in the puzzle above. Position the pieces so that each row across the bottom has the correct number of oranges in it when all the oranges have been rolled. When pieces are positioned correctly tap on the let them roll button. If you make a mistake you can press the reset balls button and reposition the pieces as needed to try again.

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