




Free Online Kids Shooting Gallery Video Games

Shooting Games

Shooting Games.

We offer a collection of thousands of free online games to help familiarize children with food, farming, cooking, the culinary arts, the restaurant business, and hospitality-related careers. As our games section became more popular we realized it made sense to expand to offer other gaming categories which promoted developing strong mental health and mastering problem solving skills.

Playing arcade games can help you develop problem solving skills to master life problems outside of the gaming world. If you need to blow off some steam these zombie, robot, and stickman shooters are a lot of fun. Protect the carrots, the city, and Earth itself. Show the rubber ducky no mercy! :)

Duck Shoot

Duck Shoot Game.

Duck Shoot is a carnival shooting gallery game featuring ducks and various sea creatures. Use your mouse to aim and left click to shoot. Earn a point for each sea creature segment you hit and a point for each regular duck you hit. Avoid hitting the ducks holding a white flag. Shoot quickly and efficiently as the time meter on the left eventually depletes and your shooting is what allows you to play longer.

Space Shoot

Space Shoot Game.

Space Shoot is a carnival shooting gallery game featuring aliens and UFOs. Use your mouse to aim and left click to shoot. The game lights up various segments each time you clear all of the aliens by knocking them over. Initially you start with the row in the front, but as you progress eventually you have the front row, the two side spinners, and the alien in the top center. Shoot down all of them as quickly as you can and see how fast you can clear the gallery.

Carnival Ducks

Carnival Ducks Game.

Carnival Ducks is a shooting gallery game. Hit the yellow, green, or red ducks and fish to score a point each. Avoid hitting any of the ducks carrying a peace flag or you lose a point. Play until you run out of time.

No More Rum

No More Rum Game.

No More Rum is a 40-stage shooting gallery game where you control a pirate who has a limited amount of ammo. Your goal is to destroy all the rum bottles on each stage using a limited amount of bullets. Clearing levels often requires trick shots that ricochet off other items.

Stickman War

Stickman War Game.

Stickman War is a 27-level shooting gallery game where players either tap on the screen or use the mouse left click button to shoot running stickmen. Periodically reload by tapping on the button in the upper left corner. While you reload you are unable to shoot. Defeat all the stickmen to earn up to 3 stars on each stage.

Bottle Shoot

Bottle Shoot Game.

Bottle Shoot is a shooting gallery game where you move a handgun up and down using the arrow keys, then hit the spacebar to fire. Shoot as many bottles as you can without hitting a grenade. Hit many bottles consecutively to activate the chain shot bonus. The game ends when you miss a total of 3 bottles or accidentally shoot a grenade.

Soldier Legend

Soldier Legend Game.

Soldier Legend is a 30-stage Earth defense shooting game where you must fight off waves of alien invaders. Use your mouse cursor to aim your shot, and use the arrow keys or the WASD keys to move. Tap on the reload button to reload in between fighting, or wait for your gun to automatically reload after you run out of ammo. As you progress through the game you get power ups which are shown in the right rail of the screen. These power ups enable you to drop bombs, lay landmines, and call in fixed gatling gun backups. Evade the aliens and shoot them until they perish. Use the income earned from each completed level to purchase stronger weapons and upgrade your base towers and power-ups.

Zombie Plague

Zombie Plague Game.

Zombie Plague is a zombie shooting game where players use the mouse to control the aim of a turret shooting at incoming zombies & pick up coins they leave behind by shooting the coins. Tap on the reload button in the center of the screen to fire. At the end of each day you can purchase upgrades to your shot damage, firerate, ammo capacity, and shooting accuracy. Each time a zombie makes it to the bottom of the screen you lose a life & when you lose 20 the game ends. It is best to shoot at zombies on the sides while they are further away so you do not have to adjust your aim as much. Zombies that are head on are much easier to hit without requiring changing your aim.

Risky Mission

Risky Mission Game.

Risky Mission is a 20-stage cannon firing game where your goal is to defeat all the pirates using as few cannonballs as possible. Use your mouse to aim and tap the left click button to shoot. Time and aim your shots to avoid hitting air balloons, buoys, trees, and platforms. After the first quarter of the game your boat moves & you have to shoot while in motion. Defeat all the pirates before hitting the pier on the far side of the screen. Shoot efficiently to earn up to 3 stars on each stage.

One Man Invasion

One Man Invasion Game.

One Man Invasion is a monster fighting game where players shoot a bazooka directly at the monster or ricochet your shots off of metal bars. Use your mouse to aim and tap the left click button to shoot. Defeat all the fixed and moving monsters in as few shots as possible to earn up to a 3-star rating on each level. Your shots can break stone or bounce off of smooth metal, but can not break stone nor spiked metal bars.

Total Recoil

Total Recoil Game.

Total Recoil is an exceptionally challenging shooting game where you shoot either left or right. When you shoot your character jumps (or recoils) in the opposite direction. In spite of the simple game layout there is a lot of depth to it, with the following features: rockets that fly in from either side, spikes that appear up from the floor, sawblades that appear from the ground and move across the screen, and a variety of robot monsters. Enemies come in waves, with levels deeper into the game having more waves. Robots can walk, jump or fly. Flying robots also shoot beams of energy at you. Some of the rockets and robots contain coins or stars you can collect. Coins can be used to purchase unlocks of 5 stronger fighers who have double or triple shots, multiple lives, and the ability to double jump. Play through the first third of the missions to 100% complete in order to unlock survival mode. Beat all 30 stages to complete the game. You can go back and replay previously beat levels to try to collect any missing stars.

Missiles Attack

Missiles Attack Game.

Missiles Attack is a 21-stage zombie shooting game. Tap on the left slide of the screen to shoot a missile right from the left side, and tap on the right side of the screen to shoot a missile left from the right. Missiles appear on the same vertical plane that you tap or left click. Some stages have bombs on them which you can tap to destroy adjacent walls, whereas some other walls need destroyed by being struck by a missile. As you advance through the game some stages have moving or spinning ladders, which require precision timing to avoid hitting when you shoot at the zombies. Defeat all the zombies using the fewest number of missiles possible to earn up to a 3-star rating on each stage.

Shoot or Die

Shoot or Die Game.

Shoot or Die is a dualing game. Select which stickman you wish to play as, then wait for the command. If it says ready, steady, shoot then you tap your mouse left click button to fire as quick as possible after the green shoot text appears. If it says ready, steady, avoid in red then you do not pull the trigger. Score a point for each dual you win. The game changes the background and enemy randomly after each dual. Play until either you pull the trigger too fast on an avoid or too slow on a shoot.

Don't Touch My Carrots

Don't Touch My Carrots Game.

Don't Touch My Carrots is a cross between a base defense game and an endless zombie shooter. Zombies are going after the carrot patch. Shoot down all the zombies as quickly as you can on each wave. In between magazines you automatically reload & then can fire again up to 30 rounds. Use your mouse to aim and hold in the left click button to shoot. As you progress through the waves each successive wave has more zombies to fight off.

City Heroes

City Heroes Game.

City Heroes is a 20-stage base defense game where players shoot at oncoming robots. Hit the mouse left click button and hold it in to fire a steady stream of bullets, using your mouse to aim your shot. Defeat all the robots on each stage before they destroy the city wall. As you advance through the game a second backup fighter is added to your team and you unlock other attacks including rockets, grenades, and dynamite. Scroll the cursor over coins which enemies leave behind and use them to purchase upgrades at the end of each level. You only get to keep coins collected in a stage if you beat it, making it important to upgrade your character and helper before spending many coins upgrading the special attacks. As you upgrade your attack you can activate a double shot then triple shot for yourself, and a double shot for the computer-controlled teammate. Press the A key to shoot missiles, the S key to throw a grenade, and the D key to bring up the dynamite placement screen and lay dynamite.

Battle Tank

Battle Tank Game.

Battle Tank is a projectile shooting fighting game. Use your mouse cursor to set your shot aim, hold in your left click button to charge up your shot, and release to fire. After each shot the enemy shoots back (unless you have already destroyed them). Hit enemy tanks directly to do significant damage where you can often one shot them. Hit near an enemy tank multiple times in a row to defeat them. After each tank you face another battle with another tank that has unique hit points and firing capabilities. Tanks can appear on platforms at different heights with various obstacles on the screen as well. Periodically gems will appear that you can fire upon. When you hit the gems the 20 gems are collected & can be spent in the current game or in subsequent games to buy power ups. There are 8 different power ups including double shot, triple shot, smart bombs, a defensive ladder, a shield, moving blocking platforms, moving down, a mine that destroys all objects on the screen.

Plane Shooter

Plane Shooter Game.

Plane Shooter is a 45-stage dogfighting game. Tap the screen with a finger or hold in your mouse left click button to fire, and move the finger or mouse around the screen to evade enemy fire. Each stage is completed when you defeat a certain number of enemies. Periodically heart and coin ships fly in. Shoot them down to collect heart containers to restore health and coins to buy upgrades. You can upgrade your plane, bullets, and max health two times each. Upgrading your plane allows you to have 2 guns then 3. Upgrading your bullets makes them more powerful, with the second bullet type riocheting off some enemies to hit others and the third bullet type traveling in a wave pattern. Health upgrades allow you to have4 or 5 hit points. The game has 3 boss battles. On the second boss battles the hint that the boss is about to attack is a sound. On the final boss battle the rows that will have energy beams in them show markers before the beam comes. If you fail a level you can repeat it an unlimited number of times.

Enemy Strike

Enemy Strike Game.

Enemy Strike is a 45-stage alien shooting game where players must shoot all the aliens above them. Hold in the mouse left click and move side to side to aim at enemies, capture power ups, and evade falling enemies. When enemies are defeated they typically fall downward and bounce off the floor. You must avoid the bouncing enemies as they can still damage your ship. Most enemies do not actively shoot at you (other than through falling and bouncing). Some stages can have bosses on them which shoot lasers or giant balls at you. A variety of power ups are included in some of the playing fields, while other power ups may fall down from the top of the screen. Green dots explode when shot & poison a variety of nearby enemies. Blue dots shoot a horizontal laser across the screen, destroying enemies on their row. You activate yellow dots by running into them, which causes them to float straight back up as activated mines which blow up upon contact with any enemy. While the gray mine is floating up you can't shoot. The horizontal line in a dot turns the ground in a trampoline when you activate it by running into it. The trampoline can bounce defeated enemies high so they hit other enemies. Three vertical dots activate a machine gun when you run into it. Three angled lines in a dot activate a gun which shoots stronger shots at angles. When you defeat enemies using the yellow gun, through a trampoline bounce, or from the green or blue dot power ups you can not get hit by the newly defeated enemy. Your health is shown at the bottom center & it is usally best to equip more powerful guns when fighting the bosses. If your health is low and there are many low level enemies it may make sense to avoid the machine gun upgrade, as many enemies falling at once may be hard to avoid.

Neon War

Neon War Game.

Neon War is an endless shooting game where you control a cannon which shoots straight up. Tap the bottom of the screen with a finger or press your mouse left click and slide your mouse back and forth to move from side to side. Evade the bouncing neon objects as they approach the ground and shoot them while they are in midair. After defeating the objects collect the coins they leave behind. After you lose a game you can spend your collected coins to upgrade your shot frequency, shot strength, side cannon firing, and health. See how long you can last and how many points you can score.

Splash Color

Splash Color Game.

Splash Color is an endless shooting game where you use the mouse to aim and the mouse left click to shoot colors at transparent bubbles. Each bubble must be shot by a paint which matches the color of its rail - red, yellow, or teal. When any bubble makes it to the bottom of the screen it is game over.

Master Fall Down

Master Fall Down Game.

Master Fall Down is a 45-level stickman shooting game. Help the green stickman knock down all of the red stickmen on each stage using a maximum of 3 shots. Tap the left click button to ready the shot, drag the mouse to aim, and release the left click button to shoot. This game uses ragdoll physics, so your arm waves around a bit and gets more steady the longer you hold your pose. Your shots may be direct or ricochet. You can also knock over red stickmen by knocking a metal box or cylinder into them. In this game you do not get hit by your own ricochets, though an already knocked over stickman can impact your subsequent shots if they are in the way.

Master Insane Damage

Master Insane Damage Game.

Master Insane Damage is a 45-stage stickman shooter game. Use your mouse left click button to prepare to shoot, move your mouse around to aim, and release the left click to fire. This game features an uzi, which shoots 3 bullets at a time. You have 3 sets of shots to use to inflict major damage on all the other stickmen. You can shoot directly at them, ricochet shots off other objects, or cause items to hit the stickmen. You can't get hit by your own bullets riochetting off other objects, though already defeated stickmen can absorb shots intended for other targets.

Secret Agent

Secret Agent Game.

Secret Agent is a 45-stage sharpshooting game where players shoot the bad guys. In this game players do not get hit by ricochets, though they often must ricochet their shots off of walls and platforms in order to hit each of the bad guys. Players get a total of 5 bullets to beat each stage.

Figures Fall

Figures Fall Game.

Figures Fall is an endless shape shooting game. Use your mouse to aim directly at falling objects or ricochet your shots off the walls. You have unlimited ammo & can shoot a steady stream of bullets by holding in the mouse left click button. Shapes take multiple hits to destroy & you lose this game when 10 shapes get past your defenses.

Cowboy Shoot

Cowboy Shoot Game.

Cowboy Shoot is a difficult 45-stage shooting gallery game where players shoot at glass bottles. The cowboy has a ragdoll physics loose arm that makes the aim more than a bit shifty. Making things worse, your shots easily ricochet & if any bullet hits you then you instantly lose the level. Hold down the left click button, move the mouse around the screen to aim directly at the bottles or ricochet your shots off the walls and platforms to break each bottle, releasing the left click button to fire. If you accidentally knock a bottle off without breaking it tap on the level restart button to reload the level again.

Bottle Shoot Game

Bottle Shoot Game.

Bottle Shoot Game is a tap timing shooter game. Shoot at the bottle moving around the perimeter of the screen and hit it before you run out of ammo. As you advance through the game subsequent rounds have more bottles you must hit.

Earth Attack

Earth Attack Game.

Earth Attack is a beautiful 10-stage shooting defense game where you use the mouse or left click button to change which direction the cannons on Earth are firing, while the moon tends to follow along and shoot adjacently. Your cannons shoot automatically, though you control the aim. Shoot incoming asteroids before they hit the planet. When you defeat enemies they leave behind pink and green crystals. The pink crystals immediately restore your health. The green crystals allow you to periodically upgrade your cannon shot power, turning speed, and planet maximum health. As you advance through the game some asteroids move faster and require a quicker response time to defeat - particularly the small red ones. The black explosives require many shots to destroy. The red smooth gel objects are stars which you can not destroy, but must overcome the gravitational force on by having your moon shoot at them until they stop approaching and then move away. If you get a perfect score on a stage the planet will turn gold at the end of the level & the gold indicator will show on the level select screen.

Blast Cannon

Blast Cannon Game.

Blast Cannon is a cannon shooting game where you move a cannon left and right to shoot incoming balls and avoid them as they bounce near the ground. When you shoot balls their value decrements, and in some cases a ball can split into multiple smaller & lower valued balls. Pick up the powerups dropped by drones to increase your shooting power and activate spreadshot. When you get hit by an ememy repeatedly tap on your cannon to restore its health. Play until you get hit 3 times and score as many points as you can.

Atlantic Sky Hunter

Atlantic Sky Hunter Game.

Atlantic Sky Hunter is a flying UFO shooting game. Use the arrow keys to move your plane around the screen to evade enemy fire and avoid collisions. Score points for each UFO you destroy. Periodically helicopters appear which carry power up crates. Shoot the crates and pick them up to enable spreadshot and missiles. Whenever you get hit you lose all your power ups. At the end of each wave there is a boss battle, with each boss having a unique weapon. Defeat the boss to move onto the next stage and see how far you can make it.

Zombies Are Coming

Zombies Are Coming Game.

Zombies Are Coming is a zombie shooting game. You control a cannon in the middle of the screen which automatically shoots endlessly. Click or tap on the screen where you want to shoot. Zombies appear out of green clouds. As you progress through the game you face a variety of different zombies that have a diverse range of approach paths and movement speeds. Shoot power ups which appear on the screen to collect them, then tap the power up icons in the lower left of the screen to activate using them.

Tower of Colors Island Edition

Tower of Colors Island Edition Game.

Tower of Colors Island Edition is a physics puzzle ball shooting game where players throw colored balls at a stack of colorful blocks. Your ball does damage to the stack if you hit the same color. Periodically you get rocks which can knock off any block color. Clear the stack below the checker finish line before you run out of balls. Left click on the screen and hold while moving the mouse to either side to spin around the stack. Left click and release to shoot a ball. The button in the lower left corner allows you to zoom in or out. The lower right corner has buttons to use your power ups. Use the coins earned to purchase power ups. See how many of the 10,000-plus levels you can beat.

Team Kaboom

Team Kaboom Game.

Team Kaboom is a run and gun shooter game. On each stage you have 3 lives to defeat enemies until you defeat the big boss with a bazooka. Move left and right using the arrow keys, press the x key once to jump and twice to double jump, and press c to fire. Avoid letting enemies run into you, getting hit by a bullet, or falling off platform low. Each time you defeat a big boss you get 3 lives to complete a new stage. Periodically advanced weaponry is dropped on the stage in crates which you can activate by running into them. Each enemy has a health bar above it which indicates their remaining health. Yellow bars turn green when empied, and green turn red when emptied. When red are empty the enemy is defeated.

War of Light

War of Light Game.

War of Light is a shooting planet defense game where players take on a fleet of spacecraft. Run around the planet counterclockwise or clockwise by pressing the A or D keys. Jump by pressing the W key. Shoot enemies by pressing the spacebar. When you defeat enemy ships you are given light which can be spent upgrading your attacks using the buttons in the upper left, or to give light to the planet by pressing the S key. Defeat all the ships without running out of health and without letting the planet's light to go out to move onto the next planet.

Space Pursuit

Space Pursuit Game.

Space Pursuit is an endless space chase game. Enemy ships appear out of the portal near the center of the screen and exactly follow your flight path. Your job is to fly for as long as possible while avoiding all the other spaceships. Turn left by pressing the A key, the left arrow key, or the left side of the screen. Turn right by pressing the D key, the right arrow key, or the right side of the screen. Pick up powerups to activate a variety of attacks or a spaceshield. Play for as long as you can without crashing.

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