

Recipe Ingredient Conversion Calculator

Ingredient Conversion Calculator.

Enter in the value you want to convert and then select what unit you want to convert to. This tool allows you to quickly convert between:

We offer a handy printable unit conversion table below these calculators.

All In One Conversion Calculator

You can convert between any of the above units using this calculator. Alternatively you can scroll below to more granular calculators for spoons, cups & ounces, alcohol-related measurements, gallons & liters, units of energy or units of weight.

Cooking Measurement Conversion

Tiny Volumes

Convert between teaspoons, tablespoons and milliliters.

Cooking Measurement Conversion

Convert Smaller Liquid Volumes

Convert between cups, fluid ounces, teacups, glasses, wine glasses, and shot glasses.

Small Liquid Volumes

Convert Alcohol-related Measurements

Convert between cups and wine glasses, and ounces to shot glasses.

Alcohol Measurements

Shot Glasses from Around the World

Shot glass size by country or area:

Size Country or State
0.67 ozDenmark, Germany
0.84 ozUnited Kingdom, South Africa
1.00 ozUtah
1.01 ozAustralia, India, Serbia
1.2 ozIreland
1.35 ozFinland, Sweden, Hungary, Poland
1.44 ozCanada
1.48 ozUnited States
1.52 ozGreece
1.69 ozBulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, Russia
2.02 ozItaly, Japan, Israel
2.0 oz double shot, even where 1.25 to 1.5 ounces is a shot

Outside of the state of Utah the United States does not have a standard shot glass size. Single US shot glasses range from 1.25 to 1.5 ounces, though 1.48 oz is quite common.

Convert Larger Liquid Volumes

Convert between US & UK liters and gallons.

Large Liquid Volumes

Convert Units of Energy

Convert to or from Calories and kilojoules (kJ).

Caloric Conversion Calculator

Convert Weights

Convert to or from pounds (lb) and kilograms (KG).

Weight Conversion Calculator


Cooking Conversion Chart

Here is a convenient conversion chart. You can also click on this image for a larger version. And we have also included HTML table versions of the data below.

Cooking Conversion Chart.


Cup Ounces Milliliters Tablespoons
1/16 cup 1/2 oz 15 ml 1
1/8 cup 1 oz 30 ml 3
1/4 cup 2 oz 59 ml 4
1/3 cup 2.5 oz 79 ml 5.5
3/8 cup 3 oz 90 ml 6
1/2 cup 4 oz 118 ml 8
2/3 cup 5 oz 158 ml 11
3/4 cup 6 oz 177 ml 12
1 cups 8 oz 240 ml 16
2 cups 16 oz 480 ml 32
4 cups 32 oz 960 ml 64
5 cups 40 oz 1180 ml 80
6 cups 48 oz 1420 ml 96
8 cups 64 oz 1895 ml 128


Fahrenheit Celsius
100 °F 37 °C
150 °F 65 °C
200 °F 93 °C
250 °F 121 °C
300 °F 150 °C
325 °F 160 °C
350 °F 180 °C
375 °F 190 °C
400 °F 200 °C
425 °F 220 °C
450 °F 230 °C
500 °F 260 °C
525 °F 274 °C
550 °F 288 °C


Imperial Metric
1/2 oz 15 g
1 oz 29 g
2 oz 57 g
3 oz 85 g
4 oz 113 g
5 oz 141 g
6 oz 170 g
8 oz 227 g
10 oz 283 g
12 oz 340 g
13 oz 369 g
14 oz 397 g
15 oz 425 g
1 lb 453 g